Makor Chaim Student Exchange Program

MTA partners with Yeshivat Makor Chaim (YMC) for an annual exchange program. YMC is located in Kibbutz Kfar Etzion and was founded by noted Jewish educators Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz and Rabbi Dov Singer. Each year, our MTA sophomores and YMC Juniors spend an academic quarter in each other’s yeshiva. This immersive experience of Torat Eretz Yisrael affords MTA students an opportunity to connect with their Israeli peers.

- The MTA students are fully integrated with their Israeli peers for Limudei Kodesh at Yeshivat Makor Chaim with the assistance of dedicated teaching assistants.
- The MTA students are fully integrated in all of the activities of the Yeshiva
- The General Studies subjects will be taught by English speaking teachers using our texts and syllabi
- The MTA students have special tiyulim and Shabbatot arranged for them, including a Shabbaton at YU’s Caroline and Joseph S. Gruss Institute in Jerusalem
- The Israeli students stay in YUHSB’s Muss Residence Hall and are completely integrated into MTA classes
Program Goals
- Allow for an “experiential appreciation” of Torat Eretz Yisrael
- Afford MTA students an opportunity to connect with their Israeli peers in formal and informal educational settings