The Leadership Institute at YUHSB is designed to impart and instill leadership traits within each student. As every face is unique, so too is everyone’s mission and calling. This program seeks to work with students to help them define their unique qualities, and help direct them toward Jewish leadership. It is imperative for the future of the Jewish people that tomorrow’s young leaders are charged with responsibility today, and are prepared to take on the reigns of their community’s challenges and needs. Recognizing that leadership is manifested in many different ways, the Institute is open to all students who demonstrate their dedication to communal causes, regardless of academic ability.

Our goal is to create a sense of passion and urgency within the participants, and to prepare them to actualize their purpose and place in community life. We do this by enabling participants to donate time to community service, arranging regular meetings with community leaders, assigning mentors to each participating student, and implementing leadership workshops.
The Leadership Institute Committee is looking for demonstration of interest in Chesed activities and leadership responsibilities
Applicants are asked to provide:
- A description of interest in the program
- 2 Letters of Recommendation