We rely on generous contributions from our parents, grandparents, alumni, and friends of the yeshiva to help fund a myriad of programs, activities, and educational experiences that enable our talmidim to receive a unique MTA educational experience. Your gift enables us to continue to enhance and provide this experience for many more generations of future Jewish leaders.
Sponsorship Opportunities
A gift towards general support helps MTA run on a daily basis while making a contribution toward our scholarship fund enables us to educate anyone who wants an MTA educational experience. Thank you for partnering with us!
Community programs are an opportunity for our MTA community to join together b’simcha in davening, learning, singing, and dancing. Thank you for supporting these important initiatives as they help us share the MTA experience with you!
- Parent Son Learning
- Family Melaveh Malka
- Grandparent Grandson Learning
- Yeshiva Wide Siyum/ Seudas Preidah
- Friday Morning Community Shiurim
- Thanksgiving Shiurim
- Community Parent Education
- Freshman Family Breakfast
Learning opportunities at MTA transcend the classroom. Our talmidim’s commitment to Torah learning is enhanced through various non-classroom learning opportunities throughout the year. Thank you for supporting MTA’s Torah learning that takes place beyond the classroom!
- Bein Hazmanim Learning Incentive Program (Sukkos, Winter Break and Pesach)
- Mishmar Madness
- Yeshiva Wide Chazara Night
- Yeshiva Fellowship Weekly Shiur With YU Roshei Yeshiva
- Yeshiva Fellowship Chabura Workshop
- Masmidim Program
- Yeshiva Fellowship Program
- Honors College
- Kickoff Kollel
Yeshiva Wide programming creates meaningful moments for our talmidim where MTA achdus, shiur shabbatons, the celebration of chaggim, and the commemoration of significant days create lifelong memories and connections. Your gift recognizes the importance of these meaningful moments at MTA.
Shabbatons and Tischs
- Yeshiva Fellowship Shabbaton (Winter and Spring)
- Yeshiva Wide Shabbaton
- Queens Shabbaton
- Monsey Shabbaton
- Shiur Shabbatons
- Community Tischs
- Highland Park Shabbaton
- West Hempstead Shabbaton
- Masmidim Shabbaton
- Freshman Shabbaton
Chaggim and Special Yomim
Shabbos Shuva Programming
Simchas Beis Hashoeva
Simchas Torah Programming
Chanukah Chagiga
Purim Chagiga
Yom Haatzmaut Celebration
MTA Lag BaOmer Outing
Shavuos in Yeshiva
Events in Yeshiva
First Day Back Festivities
Winter Classic
Support our talmidim, Rebbeim, and faculty members’ original writing by supporting our Pirchei Yitzchak, Polis, The Academy News, weekly Shema Koleinu, and expanded Shema Koleinu publications. Sponsor one of these publications to commemorate the yahrzeit of a loved one, request the merit of a refuah sheleimah for someone in need of a recovery, in honor of a student’s work or a beloved faculty member or Rebbe, or in honor of a simcha. Your dedication will be listed in the publication and announced via email to our entire yeshiva community and in our weekly e-newsletter. Thank you for supporting our talmidim’s original work.
- Pirchei Yitzchak
- Weekly Shema Koleinu
- Expanded Shema Koleinu (Yamim Noraim, Pesach, Shavuos, Tisha B’av)
- Polis
- The Academy News
- Lumiere
Dedicate a day of learning at MTA in memory of, or in honor of, a loved one. You can choose to commemorate a specific occasion or event such as a yahrzeit, birthday, or anniversary. Sponsor one day of learning for $180, one week of learning for $540, or in perpetuity for $1,800.
STEM is at the forefront of education at YUHSB where talmidim are offered opportunities to build skills in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Talmidim participate in CIJE’s Innovation Day and Yeshiva University’s Hack-A-Thon where they present their original work.
- Robotics Team
- Scientific Engineering
Our rebbeim, teachers, faculty, and office staff are the backbone of MTA. The commitment and dedication each of these individuals shows on a daily basis helps make our talmidims’ formative high school years the best years of their lives. Thank you for supporting our faculty and staff.